What Is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is described as the first decentralized digital currency.
If you want to know more then check out the full Bitcoin article in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin

How to Create Bitcoin Address?

A Bitcoin addresses can be generated at no cost by any user of Bitcoin. Create one using :
An example of a Bitcoin address is 1ExybKSFeNudM2ymRzrYQEWqD3t5sX76Ej

How to Receive Bitcoin? Use our free FAUCET LIST to earn Bitcoins.

A popular word in the Bitcoin community is ‘faucet’. In other words, faucets can be called just giveaways. They work on the principle described above – you earn your free coins with a predetermined regularity, for example, every 5 minutes, hours or every day. The websites offer absolutely different kinds of activities for which users get paid.

Some sites that offer free bitcoin with 2 different payment options.

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